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Community Benefits


Committed to Keeping Carthage Healthy


To better understand the needs of residents in the Carthage area, UT Health East Texas representatives regularly conduct a local Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). The information collected through interviews with a variety of community members lets us determine where to allocate extra resources and what outreach programs are important for the health of Panola County.

Some of these programs we initiate and oversee as part of our commitment to local care. Other programs are created in collaboration with agencies that share our goal of a healthier East Texas.

Because we conduct the Panola CHNA survey on a regular basis, we’re able to identify areas of growth, revise and update services, and coordinate community education. 



UT Health East Texas' philosophy of care is simple – and beneficial to Carthage

  • We are committed to serving others.
  • We have a patient-centered philosophy. When the patient comes first, all else falls into place.
  • We believe in advancing healthcare in home communities to the highest level possible.

UT Health Carthage offers a range of services from prevention and wellness to specialty medicine. To make an appointment for primary care, please call one of our outpatient clinics.